• Journey of Fear

    Why Am I Doing This Again?

    Photomatt28 / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND Mindsets can change quickly. After a month or so of earning money and working on the RV4, I began to come up with little excuses as to why I couldn’t leave Pittsburgh just yet. I didn’t have enough gas money to make it to Denver and back, I hadn’t finished installing my electrical system, my shower drain wasn’t working quite as well as I wanted it to – the list only continued to grow the longer I looked for reasons to wait. I had fallen far from the point in which I was at as I Walked Through the Graveyard in the month prior.…

  • Journey of Fear

    Fear: Defined

    I feel it necessary to pause for a moment to explain my definitions for the words fear and love – partly because you’ll be seeing them frequently in this blog and should understand what I actually mean by them, and partly because my original post for today is far more personal than I’m accustomed to being…that’s right, I’m stalling tomorrow’s post because I’m afraid. But this post is vital for understanding my goal for this trip and the lesson’s I’ve been learning. Fear. You might understand it as the jumpy sensation you experience when you’re in a haunted house, or when you try something like this: While you’d obviously be…

  • Journey of Fear

    From the Darkness

    I fell into a dark period during my first year out of college – one that I can only characterize by the word terror. Dazed and Confuzed I think that many recent grads are a bit traumatized by the sudden jolt that being handed a diploma can induce. But for me, it served as a sudden exposure to the grim truth of life: that there were no more rules, no more curriculums, and that nobody would be there to point me towards the individual path that I was supposed to take. I was terrified by the sudden realization that everything was now up to me. Oddly, they hadn’t offered any…