This site contains a cacophony of eclectic content, all stemming from the same, warped brain. A brief rundown of the various categories that you can select from above: ALL POSTS shows all of the posts that I’ve written in chronological order (scroll to the bottom of the page and click NEWEST to see the latest content); JOURNEY OF FEAR pertains to the story of the journey of re-discovery that I took ten years ago; FIRST DRAFT is just that – a fictional story, written by hand in my notebook, in a process that I’ve chosen to share with the world; TANTRUMS are my pressure release valves, and are the most fun for me to write; SHORT STORIES is a work in progress – nothing there yet, though perhaps one day there will be.
If, after reading, you find that the content here has provided you a few hours of entertainment or has shared some sort of wisdom, please consider saying thank you by GIVING in return! I don’t believe that wisdom or knowledge should every be locked behind a paywall – our willingness to share our stories is what makes us human! And advertising…don’t get me started. My heart is telling me that it’s time to throw all of my efforts towards writing, and I’d love to be able to afford to eat.